Garden Western Grill Menu Price, Reviews

After sorting out some tasty food adventures that please your taste organs and make you want more, Garden Western Grill shines as a top place for perfect food. This restaurant is popular because it serves really tasty som tam and seafood, and people in town are praising it for good reasons. It’s now time to look at the Garden Western Grill menu price and read some great reviews that will make you really excited for your next visit.

Garden Western Grill Menu Price

In a time when good quality usually means high prices, Garden Western Grill menu price happily breaks this rule. Their menu has lots of different flavors and is also easy to afford. We think everyone should be able to enjoy really good food without it being.

  • Tauge
Tauge Type Price
Goreng Biasa RM 4.00
  • Ikan Masin
  • Sos Tiram
RM 5.00
  • Pulut Mangga
Pulut Mangga Type Price
Kecil RM 8
Besar RM 15
  • Phad Thai
Phad Thai Type Price
Ayam RM 9.00
Daging RM 13.00
Seafood RM 16.00
  • Phad Kha Phau
Phad Kha Phau Type Price
Ayam RM 9.00
Pau Daging RM 12.00
  • Nasi Putih
  • Telur Mata
RM 1.50
Telur Dadar RM 2.00
  • Mee Celup
Mee Celup Type Price
Ayam RM 8.00
Daging RM 10.00
Perut RM 13.00
Campur RM 16.00
  • Garden Western Grill Tomyam Bangkok

People really like the Tomyam Bangkok menu because it has delicious and varied flavors, it can be spicy, they use fresh ingredients, it’s comforting, it has a cultural appeal, you can customize your order, and it looks good, which is why a lot of people who love food enjoy it.

Tomyam BangkokType Price
  • Stong
  • Daging
RM 18.00
Udang RM 16.00
Campur RM 20.00
Seafood RM 23.00
  • Kerabu
Kerabu Type Price
Maggi RM 12.00
Mangga RM 9.00
  • Masakan Ayam
Masakan Ayam Type Price
  • Merah
  • Kicap
  • Paprik
  • Blackpepper
  • Goreng Kunyit
  • Belacan
RM 7.00
  • Masakan Daging
Masakan Daging Type Price
  • Merah
  • Kicap
  • Paprik
  • Blackpepper
  • Goreng Kunyit
  • Belacan
  • Halia
RM 8.00
  • Seafood (Udang & Sotong)
Seafood (Udang & Sotong) Type Price
  • Merah
  • Kicap
  • Paprik
  • Blackpepper
  • Goreng Kunyit
  • Belacan
  • Halia
RM 9.00
  • Nasi Goreng
Nasi Goreng Type Price
Biasa RM 7.00
  • Kampung
  • Ikan Masin
  • Thai
  • Belacan
RM 8.00
  • Paprik
  • Petai
  • Tom Yam
RM 9.00
Daging Merah RM 10.00

Kicap Ayam

Garden Western Grill Menu Reviews

Many people have gone to Garden Western Grill multiple times, and each time they go, it’s even better than the last. The masakan ayam is always cooked perfectly, and the staff pays a lot of attention to the customers. People feel like they are important and welcome guests every time they visit.

Rating of Reviews: 3.6 after 425 feedback on google

Garden Western Grill Contact Number

City Contact Number
Selangor 60 14-921 4335

The Garden Western Grill menu price is dedicated to ensuring your dining experience is not only delicious but also easy on your money pouch. They have a lovely atmosphere, and lots of tasty choices, and people love it. It’s a great place to eat where you will have a memorable time. Come join us and enjoy the amazing food this place has to offer.

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